Steamlands Wiki

Elegia Underwood is a single woman, world traveler and part-time journalist and essayist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She often sends home notes of interesting occurrences in the land of the Caledons.

Born in Texas in 1853, Miss Elegia and her mother, the former Lettice Mary Kirby-MacLeod, in 1855, followed her father, Algernon Alspaugh Underwood, to the "wild west" of the great Gold Rush of California. Mr Underwood was highly successful in land speculation, but died 1865, shot down in a dispute over a horse race, leaving Mrs Underwood to run a boarding house and manage the rentals of some of the properties left to the family on her spouse's demise.

A small trust fund enabled the young Elegia to attend a private finishing school, during which time she won a scholarship to the prestigious Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts.

After graduation, Miss Elegia spent several years touring Europe, North Africa and the Americas, visiting what she considers to be her home town of San Francisco (or The City, as it is affectionately referred to by its denizens) whenever her travels take her in that direction. She presently makes her home in Caledon Eyre and is studying design under the renowned engineer and sculptmeister, Omicron Llewellyn.

On my edgier days, I am a warrior in Nordhaven; I have a big sword and several daggers. I own a small stable of beautiful horses (I appear to have inherited this weakness from my dear dead Daddy), some sidesaddle, some astride, all English tack.
