Steamlands Wiki

Achariya Maktoum is a gardener and unabashed clotheshorse. She runs, an SL fashion review website. She's interested in online learning environments, but Second Life keeps distracting her with its shiny. She is also the co-founder of Ladies Who Adventure, a Caledonian lady's travel club, and lives in Wellsian.

Achariya treats her Second Life avatar rather callously, militantly standing about her land in Wellsian taking off and putting on a variety of different frocks. Even though it chafes her virtual skin to keep tugging up shirts and crinolines, she loves her job. When finally dressed, Achariya has been known to take everything back off and pop into male form for Caledonian balls so that she can spend some time actually chatting with her friends. Achariya's Second Life attention span is exactly the length of her real-life toddler's, and therefore she will politely beg your pardon every five minutes to attend to a small person's needs.
